How Venmonitor™ Works

Venmonitor™ brings together the risk intelligence data for you.

We have curated the most comprehensive third-party risk intelligence data from across the industry, covering the most essential risk domains, and brought it together in one convenient and visual location just for you.

Game changing screening of suppliers by centralizing risk intelligence across key domains

Guided by the mission to simplify and elevate risk management, Venmonitor™ distills vast amounts of risk intelligence data into real actionable insights. Instead of reviewing multiple contracts and deciphering disconnected data streams, everything is presented on a single dashboard.

  • Affordable single dashboard views
  • Easy-to-digest risk profiles for quick decisions
  • Consolidated risk ratings
  • Single contract
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venmonitor monitoring

Automated supplier risk ratings and profiles based on cross-domain risk intelligence

Designed to give quick and actionable insights, Venmonitor™ generates risk ratings and risk profiles by using built-in weighting that looks at each domain separately, then combined, to provide you with an overall risk rating on a supplier as well as the individual risk ratings by key domain.

Empower proactive responses to emerging supply chain risks

Create a cross-domain supplier screening framework

Enrich screening of potential suppliers. 

By enhancing screening before signing a contract, your organization gains early warnings on security, compliance, or business health risks, during the selection process, enabling your team to make data-driven decisions, improve negotiations during contracts, and provide increased transparency on supplier security posture. 

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